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Falls prevention

Approximately a third of all people aged 65+ will fall each year. Unfortunately, these rates increase with age and once someone falls, their chances of falling again increases.

‘Steady and Stable’ is an evidence-based programme that helps to improve balance, strength and confidence. The 38-week programme is here for anyone who feels wobbly on their feet, anxious about walking or at risk of a fall. Taking part will be fun and help you feel stronger, steadier and fitter, so you can continue doing the things you love!

Participants are required to: (1) be medically fit, (2) follow instructions safely in a group-based exercise setting, (3) complete an hours long class (40 minutes will be completed in standing) and (4) independently mobilise short distances with or without walking aids.

The classes are offered in Westminster, Kensington and Chelsea and Hammersmith and Fulham. We accept referrals from healthcare professionals and self-referrals. For further information and to book a place, please call Steady & Stable on 020 4516 9975. You can also view more information about our Steady and Stable classes here.

Class locations, days and times can be found in our Open Age programme here



Working in Partnership

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For further information, please visit our make a donation page. Alternatively, please feel free to contact with any questions.

Thank you.