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Refer someone

If you’re worried about an older person, you may be able to help by telling them about Open Age. Perhaps there’s a neighbour or friend who’d like to get out of the house more or is interested in trying new activities?

Once we hear from them we can let them know about our activities. We can even arrange for our Link-up service to help them find the right one. Or, it might be that our weekly telephone activities programme is more suitable.  More information is available here


Working in Partnership

Open Age Charity Wins Major Sport Award for Innovative Physical Activities During Covid-19

Donate with peace of mind


Online payments to Open Age are processed by CAF - Charities Aid Foundation - which is a charity itself that supports other charities with banking, fundraising and lots more. It is safe to make a donation to Open Age using our donate buttons, powered by CAF.


For further information, please visit our make a donation page. Alternatively, please feel free to contact with any questions.

Thank you.